Senior Data Scientist on the Transactional Pricing Team.
Data Scientist on the Transactional Pricing Team.
Full stack developer for the delivery team for the business data science team at C.H. Robinson. Took data science models and scaled them beyond jupyter notebooks. Scaled applications rapidly during the late-prototyping phase and broke them apart into production microservices. Worked directly with members of the buisiness to deliver rapid positive outcomes through the targed delivery of data-science tools.
Worked with researchers in the Conservation Genetics Lab to make their experiments feasible and contributes to scientific publications. Created and modified highly parallel Python3.5 scripts to manage bioinformatics applications running in primarily Debian environments. Wrote scalable Python3.5 applications to process, analyze, and visualize next generation sequencing data. Built the lab’s on-site super-computers and handled the set-up of a Beowulf cluster computer. Handled environment setup, compilation of software, and job submission to the super-computers at the Holland Computing Center at University of Nebraska through SLURM and OpenStack. Developed and maintained web applications to connect researchers with complex scientific datasets in Python2.7’s Flask on the Google App Engine and PHP5’s Laravel on Heroku. Analyzed large multi-year radio-collar geographic datasets in Python, ArcGIS, and R. Packages Docker images to run and distribute software to use on lab and field computers. Ran analysis for gene annotation (Maker, Augustus), eukaryotic genome assembly (Supernova, Abyss, Trinity, AllPaths-LG, MaSuRCA, SOAP, Platanus), and species phylogenies (BEAST, RAxML, MrBayes, PhyMl, PAML).
Managed the online presence for the KiMa Foundation, home rental websites, portfolio websites, and a pharmaceutical drug candidate. Worked on the front end and back end design and programming of various applications. Developed a firm understanding of best practices in PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and various JS and JS frameworks including jQuery and AngularJS.
Extracts SNPs from fastas and fastq files.
Extracts genes from FASTQ files using similar reference sequences.
Fold at Home Using Docker With GPU Support
Docker GPU OpenCL CUDA